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Tovah Talk - Antisemitism

Antisemitism in America.


As I write these words, I am shaking my head. I never would have thought …


I don't believe that I am naïve. I know that there are and have always been some people who harbored hostile thoughts toward us because we are Jewish. But as a mass movement? Crowds of people chanting. Demonstrating. Threatening.


Not here. Not any more. Or so I thought.


I believed in America. And I still do. So, how do we respond?


I think our best response is to take a lesson from other marginalized groups who have faced similar hostility. Our best defense is a good – and positive – offense. We need to be loud and proud. We need to be what we are, openly, honestly and without apology.


I am Jewish. I have always been and always will be Jewish. I celebrate my holidays. I worship my way. I eat my foods and live by my customs.


I can respect other people's traditions but I will not copy them, or adopt them, or in any way compromise my traditions, my beliefs or my way of life.


I will – however – plug my own books. All of my books depict Jewish people living as Jews and contributing in positive ways to American life. I hope you enjoy them. I hope you learn from them. I invite you to share them.


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